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dOSe of Warehouse
8 ARTISTS / 2 ROOMS / 1 NIGHT MAYHEM.start: 8pm
Line up:
Martin East (Kudeta, / Kapa Music, UK)
Toti D. (Groove Nation, PH)
Maqman (GOGO Music, CH)
Discocactus (Jetlag, FR / VN)
Jase (The Beats Saigon, VN)
Jan Hagenkoetter (dOSe / INFRACom!, DE)
Scrambled Edge (dOSe / Soundsgood, PH)
DJ Slide (dOSe, NYC/PH)
The dOSe music commandos are back at another intriguing, off-the-wall venue. Presenting an underground warehouse party feat. the international house mafia vs. the eclectic pimps feat. the pioneers of the dance music scene in Asia. 15 minutes away from the city center. Visuals provided by Discocactus.
Get geared up and mark the date!
Pre-sold tickets: 120.000 vnd at Centro Bar
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